Hello lovely people, how are you?
A new Adele’s song is already stuck in my head… Without even knowing the full lyrics, I am just saying hello, hello — singing and I are like oil and water, they just don’t mix. 😀
OK! Let me be honest with you, out of the 30 days or 31, I didn’t have the time to make a dinner for at least 10 days. I was so busy that at the end of the day my Nebbs just grabbed us something quick to satisfy our need for warm food. The good thing is though, that he didn’t try to hunt again and grill –when I say that, I mean, off-grid survival style. Don’t ask me –that man could live in the middle of nowhere and still survive.
School and work schedules sometimes are killing me, and it’s only one of me. I am feeling that some of you are nodding and relating to my situation. It’s a damn hard sometimes, even if we are super parents — I am totally praising myself as a Supermom, and no one will tell me otherwise (LOL!)

Anyhow, a few weekends ago, finally I got myself a slow cooker. I know… Where have I been, right?
I was always telling myself, I will never need it, nope, but, how wrong was I? It saved me 3 days of cooking meals without even spending the time in my kitchen. Between band practice, soccer conditioning, school parties or events, meetings, etc. I was so tired, and lunch/dinner was nowhere to be found, so this slow cooking, dump and forget thingy really saved my life or our dinner… Whatever!:)
Let’s talk ’bout these D-sticks. They are DA BOMB and takes ONLY 3 things. Did I live under the rock? Seriously, the easiest chicken I’ve ever made… Oh, yeah, babe!
My kids lick that stoneware dish clean. I made with it my Whole Wheat IRISH SODA bread (regular soda bread), and boy was that an amazing combo with these drumsticks, steamed rice, and coleslaw?! It was a killer meal.
So let me show you what I did… You really don’t need a brain power to make it, so I hope you will give it a try… I will have some fun sharing the easiest recipes ever. ALSO, at the very bottom of the post, there will be info about the giveaway.

Simple, delicious and easy recipe for slow cooked bbq chicken.
- 8 Skinless Chicken Drumsticks
- 2 tablespoons Pure Honey
- 1 bottle of BBQ Sauce use your favorite BBQ sauce
Remove the skin from the chicken drumsticks (if you like the skin, keep it on).
Place the drumsticks in the Crockpot.
Mix together honey and BBQ sauce, and pour it over the chicken.
Mix it, so the chicken could be coated with the sauce.
Cover and cook on LOW for 6 hours, or 3 1/2 hours on HIGH.
Recipe Notes
You can use more chicken if you'd like, as well as use chicken wings if you'd like that option better. If your favorite sauce already contains honey, just omit one that is in the recipe. You can use PORK (pork chops, etc.), instead of the chicken.

Slow Cooked BBQ Chicken Drumsticks
Have a wonderful week!!!
Your friend,
Spicy Baked BBQ Chicken Wings - Sandra's Easy Cooking
Wednesday 26th of September 2018
[…] Slow-Cooked BBQ Chicken Drumsticks […]