Oh! Hey! Hello… How are you, my friends? I hope you had an amazing long weekend. Today, I am sharing a very powerful smoothie.
I wanted to name it “Sexy” green smoothie, but my kids went bananas, telling me I am completely insane for even considering. So, for them, I renamed this smoothie into “Super Green Smoothie”.
The smoothie is still delicious and helps you with all kinds of things that you might not even know -But, doesn’t it look sexy without even trying, huh?
If you read my post you will learn that this smoothie helps you boost your sex drive… Not that you need it, but just in case if you need a little push, I wanted you to know. #WinkWink(I totally did hashtag while talking, ahem! Writing! -That’s like talking in my head) Anyhoo…
Before I began, I’d like to say: Check with your doctor if it is alright for you to consume this smoothie or any ingredients that might cause you side effects due to taking certain medications or if you have any medical condition.
Please, just omit if you do not feel safe consuming it. I am not using anything bad here, everything is natural, healthy and organic, but some people could be allergic or it may interact with medication, so check before you make any changes in your diet.
For example, I love, love grapefruit, but it causes my medication to almost triple in my blood if I consume it, so I avoid grapefruit.
OK! Now, that the warning is disclosed, the next thing for me is to say that it takes time before you see any progress, such as mood, skin, hair, your energy level, etc., but if you change your lifestyle, you will see body improvement and feel a greater impact when you, for example, drink smoothies like this or similar, every other day.
In a short few weeks, you will look healthier, and feel absolutely amazing if you just include delicious, homemade smoothies into your diet.

Apples are amazing for us. Not only that they contain Vitamins like C, A, and K, but they are packed with fiber and they have plenty of minerals that are necessary for our body, such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper
Green apples are slightly higher potassium content than other types of apples. Potassium is an electrolyte that keeps fluid, balanced in and round cells. This process is critical to everyday electrical flow through your body, a function that makes your heart beat. They also contain both flavonoid and polyphenol — all sorts of antioxidants. Because of this, they can prevent various kinds of cancer.
Did you know that one peach contains 10 different vitamins? I love peaches -their smell, the taste, and just about any dessert made from them. Peaches are considered to be an aphrodisiac fruit and stress-reliever that helps reduce anxiety. They keep your skin healthy, because of the vitamin E, K (essential to your body’s blood clotting capabilities.), C, and vitamin A, which is of course also important for maintaining a healthy vision.
Peaches are also a source of thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Peaches provide some magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, iron and calcium as well. These minerals act to support red blood cell, bone, and nervous system health. Fiber is essential to smooth and healthy digestion, preventing constipation and ensuring digestive health. Fiber may also play a purpose in regulating your cholesterol levels, helping to reduce your risk of developing heart disease.
Like many dark leafy greens, Kale is a sexual wonder food. The high vitamin A content in kale is essential for normal reproduction and production of sex hormones. So, having the vitamin A that kale offers can help keep you sexually healthy.
The high vitamin C level in kale helps the body to absorb iron, form blood cells and assist the metabolism of the adrenal gland, all of which contributes to better “sexual performance”. Also, chlorophyll, vitamin B6, potassium that kale contains increases sex drive, making this vegetable a sexual powerhouse. One cup of Kale has nearly 3 grams of protein.
Ginger is well known as a natural remedy for centuries reliving motion and morning sickness to helping cancer patients, especially after chemotherapy.
Of course, like many homemade natural remedies, it always takes longer for you to feel better using alternative way, and it will not cure any diseases but certainty will help protect you by making your immune system stronger.
This root has natural anti-inflammatory effects-it is commonly used for cold and flu, menstrual cramps, stomach nausea, and other gastrointestinal disorders. Antioxidants protect the cells from aging-related diseases and toxins that can lead to cancers.
An efficient anti-depressant, Ginger smooths mind and gives a brain calmness and relief.
Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, soluble fiber, and even a little bit of protein, these tiny seeds can turn just about any snack or breakfast into a nutritional powerhouse. Chia seeds are high in antioxidants.
Full of calcium, iron, zinc, fiber, and antioxidants, chia seeds will give you the stamina to burn, improve circulation and increase your body’s ability to feel stimulated. Almost all of the carbs in Chia seeds are fiber. This gives them the ability to absorb about 10 times their weight in water and they are much higher in protein than most plant foods.
Source: whfoods.com, livestrong.com, healthiestfoods.co.uk, webMD.com
Other Smoothie Recipes that you might like HERE

Super Green Smoothie
Healthy and easy green goodness beverage
- Granny Smith Apple
- 1/2 Peach
- 1 Banana
- 1 1/2 cup Kale
- 1 inch Ginger or 1/2 teaspoon powder ginger.
- 1 tbsp. Chia Seeds
- 1 cup Water You can use coconut water, coconut milk, almond milk, soy milk, etc.
- 6-7 Ice cubes approximately
- Sweeten to taste
Wash all the ingredients, peel, and slice. Add into a blender.
If you have a larger blender, then add ice with the ingredients. Since mine is not as big, I add after the fruits/veggies are smooth enough, so my ice cubes could fit in.
Add any sweetener that you like or have, to taste.
You can keep it in the bottle with a lid overnight for the next morning fuss-free, nutritious breakfast.
Recipe Notes
I DO NOT add any supplements in my smoothies, nor do I add sugar. I kinda think why to add when you have so, so much nutrition in the fresh fruits and vegetables.