It is one of those days when you feel that sunshine is so necessary to pick me up… yes, it’s cloudy and it will be tomorrow again, and I am in need of sun and bright warm day! It is one of those days when you feel it will never end, and even with a mug of good strong coffee things don’t change.
I woke up with my son’s sweet voice over my head saying: “mom, mom, mom, mom, I’m hungry”… There is nothing else to do, other than to get up, especially since he gave me such a nice smile after all that “mom, mom…” but I so wished to stay under the blanket all day long”… Monday mornings! I really dislike them!
Ever since I got, or better said, won barista espresso, my mornings are just a little more bearable ahem! Easier, plus on another note, I don’t have to go and get a latte from Starbucks anymore. Even my kids often ask me to make them Nutella lattes for after school to go along with their favorite snacks. Addition of coffee for me was all I needed this morning to clear up, cheer up and get little sugaah… and of course find something useful to do!
Without further ado, let me explain how I make this simple latte, especially if you do happen to have a latte machine… Sorry, but I still cannot make any designs on the top of the coffee to make it pretty, but maybe one day I will learn that too!
Personally, for me, this is more a dessert than a coffee, perhaps because I like my coffee strong, with a little cream… Lattes are of course always welcome, but this was a nice change! To make kid-friendly just don’t add any coffee and maybe swirl of chocolate syrup on top!

Nutella Cafe Latte
Simple divine Nutella Cafe Latte
- 1/2 Tbsp. Nutella
- 1 cup Skim Milk or any on hand
- 1/2 cup milk for frothing
- 1 tsp. Heavy Whipped cream *optional
In a saucepan, warm up the milk with Nutella until Nutella is melted completely and it's just before boiling point.
Take it off, pour in the mug/cup and press latte to froth the milk and brew the coffee.
Add Whipped cream; Stir and enjoy!
For frothing with hand-frother:
Step 1. From the previews, then --> Place milk only into the sauce (a (1/2 cup), cook on the medium-low until boiling point and at the same time froth milk with hand-frother until it starts to bubble and develops that thicker foam.
Pour brewed coffee of your choice into milk+nutella mixture, and slowly add frothed milk to your latte until it reaches the rim of the mug -add less though, if you going to put whipped cream on top.
Add whipped cream if desired!
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